Maker's Mark 1-ltr


Maker's Mark is a timeless bourbon that stands out for its smooth, rich flavor and distinctive hand-dipped red wax seal. One could argue they created the premium Bourbon category, and consistency is a long hallmark of their production processes.

Crafted using soft red winter wheat, this bourbon offers a delicate balance of caramel and vanilla notes, complemented by a subtle spiciness and a warm, clean finish. Its approachable yet complex profile makes it perfect for both sipping neat and mixing in your favorite cocktails.

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Maker's Mark is a timeless bourbon that stands out for its smooth, rich flavor and distinctive hand-dipped red wax seal. One could argue they created the premium Bourbon category, and consistency is a long hallmark of their production processes.

Crafted using soft red winter wheat, this bourbon offers a delicate balance of caramel and vanilla notes, complemented by a subtle spiciness and a warm, clean finish. Its approachable yet complex profile makes it perfect for both sipping neat and mixing in your favorite cocktails.

Maker's Mark is a timeless bourbon that stands out for its smooth, rich flavor and distinctive hand-dipped red wax seal. One could argue they created the premium Bourbon category, and consistency is a long hallmark of their production processes.

Crafted using soft red winter wheat, this bourbon offers a delicate balance of caramel and vanilla notes, complemented by a subtle spiciness and a warm, clean finish. Its approachable yet complex profile makes it perfect for both sipping neat and mixing in your favorite cocktails.

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Sale Price:$63.99 Original Price:$85.00
Maker's Mark French Oak 46 w/ Leather Coaster Set
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